Job offers
Check out the current job opportunities at Softquo Holding, along with employee perks and a visual explanation on how the hiring process works.

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Our hiring stages
Get familiar with our recruitment process – it can shift around depending on the job you’re after.
Talent Acquisition Contact
What’s about?
We’ll review your CV, and if it looks like a fit, we’ll reach out to see your interest in the role and your goals.
Who you’ll meet:
Softquo’s Talent Acquisition Specialist.
Discussion points:
Your interest in the role, your background and if it’s the right fit for both sides.
What we’d love from you:
Show your enthusiasm and be genuine - we’ll be eager to hear from you!
Technical Interview
For technical positions
What’s the meeting about?
It’s your chance to show off your technical skills and experience.
Who you’ll meet:
1-2 Softquo’s Tech experts (from any team).
Discussion points:
Our general technical processes at Softquo, insights from particular teams and your technical skills.
What we’d love from you:
Tell us about your professional journey, demonstrating your experience with the tools and technologies required for the role.
Talent Acquisition Interview
What’s the meeting about?
A chance for us to get to know each other and chat about expectations through a video call.
Who you’ll meet:
Softquo’s Talent Acquisition Specialist.
Discussion points:
Introduction and responsibilities of the role, your experience and background and any general questions you may have about the company.
What we’d love from you:
To come prepared and show us your best self!
Hiring Manager Interview
What’s the meeting about?
To chat about the job responsibilities and what you can expect.
Who you’ll meet:
The Hiring Manager of the team.
Discussion points:
The Hiring Manager will walk you through the role, team structure and projects. You’ll get a feel for what it’s like to be part of Softquo and have the opportunity to ask questions and elaborate on your experiences, challenges, motivations and goals.
What we’d love from you:
Come well prepared, do your research and have some questions ready. Most importantly, just be yourself!